As part of the mobile and social media revolution Telegram messaging app has experienced significant growth, adding 350,000 new users daily. This platform has been widely adopted globally and is available in 13 languages. The Telegram application available on play store allows users to create groups with up to 30,000 members and share files and documents of nearly any type. It even allows bots to be set up for specific tasks. Due to its rich feature set and rapid adoption, Telegram has become a sought after tool on the fraud scene.You will not be able to see the contact number or any other type of information about the person.
How do they trap innocent people.
Firstly they create a channel on telegram and tell that they are custom officer and they have shown some items as lost in custom and wanted to sell these items at a very low price.They publish their cheap rate list as follow.
How do they trap innocent people.
Firstly they create a channel on telegram and tell that they are custom officer and they have shown some items as lost in custom and wanted to sell these items at a very low price.They publish their cheap rate list as follow.
From here the greed of the common man increases.Their advertisement is so attractive that it looks like a real and fair deal.These custom frauds ask the half payment in advance and ask to share screenshot of the payment and after that they will send you the courier tracking id and as soon as you will receive the tracking id you have to make the rest of the payment or the order would be stopped.The courier id that they provide is just a fake webpage created in regards to courier company.As soon as the payment is done they will send you a fake courier tracking link having your name address and contact number.After which they will ask you to make rest of the payment as the payment is done these fraud people will stop replying and block you from telegram.Further when there is no reply then a person realizes that something wrong has happened and he has been cheated.
What they do after you pay?
If you paid for them. I’m sure they will cancel your chat and Block your Telegram Account. After they never reply to your chats. So Beware of these Scammers. Today India has 320 million Mobile users and Telegram is the Most downloaded App after Whatsapp. So we should be aware of some Digital Learning and Ethical Hacking to not being Prey to these Fraudsters
How to protect yourself from these frauds
1.Never make advance payment to unknown persons. Always opt for COD in such cases, if the seller is genuine he will provide COD facility.
2.Always verify the background of the seller.
Think why the item is available in such a low price he could open his shop and sell on the mrp, instead he is selling it in Rs 50,00 whose MRP is 2,34,000 INR.
3.Always shop from trusted websites.Never get attracted towards attractive offers from fake websites.
4.Check for the age of domain (website).This will help you to identify how old a website is.
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